Living Waters…Intensive, immersed in a healing curriculum that will change your life!
Why would someone go to Living Waters? If you are struggling with…Fear, Insecurity, Marital problems, Co-dependency, Pornography, Effects of abuse, Poor boundaries, Sexual addiction or promiscuity, Isolation, Inability to trust, Anger or unforgiveness, Masturbation, Gender identity issues, Unwanted same-sex attraction, Fantasy, Shame, and self-hatred….Living Waters provides a
thoughtful and safe place to look at the ways we’ve become ensnared. Through weekly times of worship, teaching, and small group prayer, our program leaders walk with participants in their struggle so they can live in freedom and truth. We pray for God’s healing to restore broken areas of life so that people can “love well” as God intended.
Classes begin Thursday, January 16, 2020
Apply online: www.livingwatersusa.us/
Print or download an application
Forward completed application to kkipps@greaterhope.org or mail to:
Greater Hope P O Box 772
Harrisonburg VA 22803
More information: contact Greater Hope @ 540-574-4189